About jordan

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So far jordan has created 30 blog entries.
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Davis Rozentals (May 2016)

Our Athlete of the month is Davis Rozentals, an athlete who has been consistent on trainings focusing on a main target, which is loosing weight. [...]

  • freetraining (1)

Vēlies izmēģināt CrossFit? Šī ir Tava iespēja!

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PR Front Squat Sallija 92.5kg

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Team WODs released!!

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Laura Vecvanaga (April 2016)

Mūsu mēneša Atlete! Kopš viņa sāka nodarboties ar CF, viņas prāsmes ir uzlabojušās, esot pastāvīgi uz trenniņiem, parādot lielisku attieksmi un apmācību klasēs laikā. Esmu [...]

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THE Unwritten Rules of CrossFit

1. Be honest. No rep your no reps. Though the score’s on the board, you’re really only competing against yourself. 2. Give your best every [...]

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