CrossFit ir sports!

Ceļš kā noteikt labāko atlētu pasaulē „fittest on earth” ir Crossfit Open atklātās sacensības, Reģionālā atlase un tālāk jau Crossfit Games.

Crossfit Games notiek kopš 2007 gada. Kopš tā laika dalībnieku un sponsoru skaits ir audzis ļoti ātri, balvu fonds izaudzis no 500$ pirmajās Crossfit Games līdz pat 250,000$ Crossfit Games, kas norisinājās 2011 – 2013 gadam, šobrīd Crossfit Games uzvarētājam tiek 275,000$. Atlēti Crossfit Games sacensību disciplīnas uzzin tikai dažas stundas pirms sacensību sākuma, dažreiz pat tajās tiek iekļauti pārsteiguma elementi, kas nav Crossfit tipiskie vingrinājumi; piemērs no iepriekšējiem gadiem ir smaga peldēšanas disciplīna ar „softball” bumbas metieniem. Crossfit Games ir radītas, kā notikums, kurā tiek noskaidrots labākais atlēts pasaulē, tātad dalībniekiem ir jābūt gataviem uz jebko.”

In 2011, the Games adopted an online format for the sectional event, facilitating participation by athletes worldwide. During the “CrossFit Open”, a new workout is released each week. Athletes have several days to complete the workout and submit their scores online, with either a video or validation by a CrossFit affiliate. The top CrossFit Open performers in each region advance to the regional events held over the following two months. As of 2013 there are 17 regional divisions, including 12 in North America (North West, Canada West, Canada East, North Central, Central East, North East, Mid Atlantic, South East, South Central, South West, Southern California, and Northern California), and five in the rest of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Australia). The top athletes (up to 3 of each gender) from each region are eligible to compete in the CrossFit Games.

The Games include divisions for individuals of each gender, and for a number of Masters age groups: 40-44 (new in 2013), 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, and 60+, as well as for co-ed teams comprising 3 men and 3 women. Masters competitors qualify for the Games based on performance in the CrossFit Open—there are no Masters regional events.

Ties are broken by the best individual event by the competitor, followed by second best, etc. until the tie is broken. This was needed to declare Craig Howard the winner in the Men’s 50-54 division in 2013.

CrossFit communities organize local, regional and even international events, workouts and competitions.